Enrolment Day

Assalāmu ‘Alaykum wa raḥmatullāhi wa barakātuh

Respected Parents and Guardians,

Insha’Allah, on MONDAY, 25 DHUL HIJJAH / 1 JULY 2024, Madrasah Hamidiya will be holding an open day for ALL NEW AND CURRENT students.

Time: 6pm to 7pm

The objective of the open day is to give us the opportunity to:

•  Enrol new students

•  Meet the students new Apa/Mawlana

•  Address issues of genuine concern

•  Become familiar with our syllabus

•  Collect the new academic term dates

•  Understand and purchase uniform requirements for the students (Topis, Burqas etc.).

We would welcome one and all and be delighted if you could attend the open day. Please note there will be separate entrances and facilities for ladies and men.

If you have queries, please feel free to contact the madrasah office. We are always happy to listen to any feedback and encourage suggestions that may help HCO.

Jazākallāhu Khairan,

Mawlana Shabir