Assalāmu ʿAlaykum wa Raḥmatullāhi wa Barakātuh.
Urgent Appeal
Madrasah Hamidiya started in 2007 in a small house in Leicester. Alhamdulillah the Madrasah grew and moved to a council building.
We now urgently require a new premises.
The minimum estimated cost of a new building is £500,000
Firstly we request our brothers and sisters for dua that Allah keep the Madrasah running, to continue carrying out the khidmat of deen, the service of the Muslim ummah and that He grants us a premises.
Secondly we appeal to our Muslim brothers and sisters to generously contribute Lillah and help relocate the Madrasah.
Please help us raise £500,000.
To share the rewards, pledges can be as follows:
- £1000 by 500 Families
- £500 by 1000 Families
- £100 by 5000 Families
Any amount would help greatly.
Qarde Hasana (Temporary Loans) can also be given.
For direct transfers
Bank Transfer:
Santander Business Current Account
Sort Code 09-01-29
Account number 26902021
To give cash or cheque:
Ml Shabir
Ml Ibrahim
Please spread the word,
Jazakallahu Khairan.
For and behalf of HCO